Local Businesses
Shop Mart
The City of Mart has a lot of businesses to choose from. Come shop our antique stores and stay for a meal in one of or fabulous food establishments.
Business Listing
Allie Cat's Gift Shop - 254-723-6200
Burgers of Mart - 254-876-8007
Burrito Express - 254-876-3444
Cefco No. 69 - 254-876-2887
Church of Christ - 254-876-2620
Dairy Queen - 254-876-2555
Dieterich Grainery - 254-876-2213
Dollar General - 254-876-2031
LMC Rucker Clinic - 254-876-9020
Firewater Liquor - 254-876-8048
Furniture Service - 254-876-2117
First Baptist Church of Central Texas - 254-876-2521
First National Bank - 254-876-2595
First Methodist Church - 254-876-2751
Grace Lutheran Church - 254-876-2314
Harold’s Automotive - 254-876-2221
Heart of Texas Logistics - 254-876-3949
InCommons Bank - 254-876-2571
Elk Apartments - 254-235-8343
Kubitza Tire - 254-876-3999
Leon Junction - 254-339-3207
Littlepage Funeral Home - 254-876-2511
Mart Community Center - 254-876-2034
Mart Donuts - 254-876-2495
Mart Farm and Auto - 254-876-3834
Mart Food Mart - 254-876-3427
Mart ISD Admin - 254-876-2523
Mart ISD Elementary - 254-876-2112
Mart ISD Middle School - 254-876-2762
Mart ISD High School - 254-876-2574
Mart Post Office - 254-876-27714
Mart Trophy - 254-876-3226
Mart Vet Clinic - 254-876-2552
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church - 254-876-2971
Mt. Zion Baptist Church - 254-876-2724
Muhl Auto Repair - 254-876-3070
Nancy Nail Memorial Library - 254-876-2465
Pizza Pro - 254-876-7777
Read’s Food Store - 254-876-2561
Rocky Creek Baptist Church - 254-876-3139
Ruby’s Food Mart No. 4 - 254-876-2021
St. Mary’s Baptist Church - 254-876-2269
Steinke Odds and Ends - 254-749-9454
Texas Avenue Cafe - 254-876-8029
Texas RV LLC - 480-220-2409
The Trolley - 254-307-0052
Tammy’s Total Look Salon - 254-876-2942
Victorian BBQ - 254-300-6122
Virginia’s Vintage - 254-863-5401
Watson’s Feed - 254-876-2501
Western Motel - 254-876-2412